Importer 9 Instructions:
Click on above Importer 9 link to download the updated Medical Schemes Fees.
How to Import:
1) Make a working backup of ExACT.
2) Log out of ExACT on all workstations.
3) Click on, Importer 9 Download.
4) Once downloaded, open the zip file
5) On the menu bar of the zipped file, click on, Extract to or extract all to your exact32 folder OR if you struggle to extract the files, simply highlight all the files in the zip file, right click and select, Select to extract to a specified folder. In the window that opens, browse to your exact32 folder on your C or D drive and extract the files to the exact32 folder. exact32 should just be highlighted (clicked on once).
6) Confirm / click yes to all when it tells you certain files already exist. (overwriting already existing files).
7) Open your ExACT Toolbox on your desktop.
8) Select the Scheme & Tariff Menu.
8.1) Run Import Exact Medical Aids.
8.2) Run Import Exact Scheme Tariffs.
9) Click on the Fix menu.
9.1) Run Fix Prices & Fee Scheme Tables.
10) A message saying, “Done”, will confirm it is complete.
(The total time for the importing can take up to 4 hours to run / reach 100%).
The Importer will often run longer than you expect due to the system speed of your computer – Do not interrupt the process – let the importer complete its import process – even if it seems the screen is static – wait for the Done message to confirm the process is complete. Use the online chat if you have any questions.
Thank you
ExACT Support Team